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My Roots - Meine Wurzeln

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Here we will build up the ancestor trees of the families
Atkinson, Balzen, Barry, Bischof, Blumberg, Bohmfalk, Bonham, Breiten, Britsch, Coffin, Currier, Elley, Elliot, Enderle, Ernst, Faseler, Finger, Fischer, Fohn, Gebhardt, Gerdes, Halsey, Harborth, Hines, Hubbard, Imgarten, Irwin, King, Kinsey, Klein, Knodel, Koch, Koepsel, Lindenberg, Locke, Lombard, Melvin, Meuth, Moody, Muennink, Mumme, Mummen, Nagel, Neumann, Noyes, Oefinger, Revilla, Ricketts, Rothe, Saathoff, Schaper, Schartow, Schneider, Schuehle, Schumann, Schwausch, Schweers, Seefisch, Sick, Sils, Singenstreu, Smith, Stiegler, Sumner, Tampke, Thompson, Uhr, Voges, Von Roeder, Vordenbaum, Wiemers, Willmann, Zinsmeyer, (name list) and many more.
Everybody will be entered who has any long term relationship (children, parents, spouses, adoptions, life-partners) to any other member of our family.
This means that with every marriage another bunch of new family members will join this family tree.There are 21619 persons registered with an own page.
Currently we can track our ancestors back to the 11th century and they are living all over the world.

To maintain this server and the fees for the databases for my researches costs a lot of money every year. I will try to keep this website free of advertisements and I really would appreciate, when you support my work here with some few dollars.
Thank you very much.
(10,00 Euro)
(10.00 US-Dollar)
(Jeder Betrag hilft bei der weiteren Forschung)
(Any amount would help further researches)
The receiver is my company, which is running this server: "quality-Datenbank Klaus Gebhardt e.K."

The following links are interesting for researchers and interested relatives:If you like to help, write me.

Klaus Gebhardt

Overview about the recent and coming important days



1975-05-09 Esther Gertraud Hildegard Singenstreu
1919-05-09 Anna Elizabeth Scoggin
1923-05-09 Albert Joseph Goetzinger
1914-05-10 Vivian Koepsel
             Happy Birthday!
1926-05-11 Margie Lee Weder
1920-05-12 Hans Rudolph Alfred Mumme
1922-05-13 Lola Mae Stautzenberger
1929-05-14 Doris Nell Arnold
1937-05-15 Katharina Cordes
1906-05-15 Kathryn Lucetta Frost
1925-05-16 Dorothy May Irwin
2003-05-17 Amelie Katharina Gebhardt
1906-05-17 Velmer Baker
1928-05-18 Harriet Preus
1911-05-18 Marjorie Evelyn Waters
1966-05-10 Emma Elizabeth Saathoff
1870-05-10 Eleazer Fullenwider
1784-05-10 Andreas Widerwachs
1814-05-10 Diana Ricketts
1625-05-10 John Terry
1902-05-11 Louis R. Muennink
1891-05-11 Harm Hinrich Balzen
1866-05-11 Erasmus Lombard
1803-05-11 Abigail Coffin
1786-05-11 John Coffin
1899-05-11 Joshua Gowan
1771-05-11 Ilse Dorothea Juliane Mummen
1873-05-12 Nathaniel Atkinson
1664-05-12 Johann Peter Schumann
1763-05-12 Ruth Draper
1869-05-12 Susan Pearson Durgin
1964-05-12 Emma Zipp
1763-05-12 Autor Heinrich Kuhlmann



Here you can find an overview about
all names.

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