Karl Heinrich Christian Stein

This is the Family tree of Karl Heinrich Christian Stein, a member (in the 21th generation) of a great family.
Heinrich has 2 ancestors and 35 heirs; further 32 relatives by blood (29 living).

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  1. Karl Heinrich Christian Stein born 1841-11-26 in Heinde Krs. Marienburg - 1929 (Wegewärter)
    1. Julie Elisabeth Minna Wilhelmine Stein born 1869-12-08 in Westerlinde - 1949
      1. Hermine Johanna Anna Johanne Mumme born 1897-10-16 in Westerlinde - 1908
      2. Karl Heinrich Hermann Mumme born 1899-08-16 in Westerlinde - 1968 (Brinksitzer)
        1. ** private **
        2. ** private **