Anson Alanson Cross

This is the Family tree of Anson Alanson Cross, a member (in the 21th generation) of a great family.
Anson has 62 heirs.

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  1. Anson Alanson Cross born 1806-03-08 in New York - 1879
    1. Samantha Matilda Cross born 1846-11-07 in West Monroe, Oswego, New York - 1916
      1. Georgia Alfretta Currier born 1864-07-11 in Rosendale, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
      2. Edward Eugene Currier more born 1866-06-11 in Fairfield, Grundy, Iowa
      3. Perry Oscar Everett Currier born 1868-04-09 in New Hartford, Butler, Iowa
      4. Elmer Earnest A. Currier more born 1870-04-19 in New Hartford, Butler, Iowa - 1929
      5. Louis Hiram Vernon Currier born 1872-03-26 in New Hartford, Butler, Iowa
      6. Harry Ansel Orville Currier born 1875-09-10 in Fairfield, Grundy, Iowa
      7. Pearl Rosalie Currier born 1878-08-08 in Beaver, Grundy, Iowa - 1905
      8. Guy Rockford Currier more born 1880-05-24 in Rock Valley, Sioux, Iowa - 1970
      9. Daisy Grace Currier born 1883-09-27 in Union, McCook, South Dakota
      10. Rex Adair Currier more born 1886-08-07 in Canistota, McCook, South Dakota - 1962


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