Phoebe Clark

This is the Family tree of Phoebe Clark, a member (in the 19th generation) of a great family.
Phoebe has 51 heirs.

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  1. Phoebe Clark born about 1757 in Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts - 1830
    1. Silas Atkinson born 1781-12-27 in Boscawen, Merrimack, New Hampshire - 1837
      1. Dorothy Atkinson born 1812-03-28 in Boscawen, Merrimack, New Hampshire - 1870
      2. Atharates Atkinson more born 1815-02-14 in New Hampshire - 1892
      3. Asenath H. Atkinson born 1817-03-17 in USA
      4. Alexander Wellington Atkinson born 1819-02-01 in USA - 1839
      5. Horatio Nelson Atkinson more born 1822-07-20 in USA
      6. Hannah Atkinson born 1827-09-07 in Union Bridge, Carroll, Maryland? - 1830
      7. Simeon Aristides Atkinson more born 1830-09-25 in Sanbornton, Belnap, New Hampshire
    2. Daniel Clark Atkinson born 1784-09-08 in Boscawen, Merrimack, New Hampshire - 1842
      1. Napoleon Bonaparte Atkinson more born 1819-04-14 in Sanbornton, Belnap, New Hampshire - 1904
      2. Mahala Tilton Atkinson born 1833-02-26 in USA - 1851
      3. Josephine Bonaparte Atkinson more born 1835-10-25 in USA
      4. Charlotte Atkinson born 1837-12-29 in USA
    3. Simeon Atkinson born 1791-02-10 in USA - 1865
    4. Hannah Atkinson born 1795-07-10 in Boscawen, Merrimack, New Hampshire - 1850
    5. Hale Atkinson born 1798-03-03 in Boscawen, Merrimack, New Hampshire - 1874


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