Johanne Caroline Augustina Harborth

This is the Family tree of Johanne Caroline Augustina Harborth, a member (in the 25th generation) of a great family.
She has 6 ancestors and 14 heirs.

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  1. Johanne Caroline Augustina Harborth born 1858-02-05 in Guadalupe Co., TX - 1898
    1. Meta Specht born 1883-03-22 in Guadalupe Co., TX - 1965
      1. Lydia Harborth born 1902-04-26 in Guadalupe Co., TX - 1904
      2. Fillmore Julius Friedrich Harborth born 1905-01-29 in Guadalupe Co., TX - 1951
        1. ** private **
        2. ** private **
      3. Raymond Paul Adolph Harborth born 1909-11-05 in Guadalupe Co., TX - 1921