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My Roots - Meine Wurzeln

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Here we will build up the ancestor trees of the families
Atkinson, Balzen, Barry, Bischof, Blumberg, Bohmfalk, Bonham, Breiten, Britsch, Coffin, Currier, Elley, Elliot, Enderle, Ernst, Faseler, Finger, Fischer, Fohn, Gebhardt, Gerdes, Halsey, Harborth, Hines, Hubbard, Imgarten, Irwin, King, Kinsey, Klein, Knodel, Koch, Koepsel, Lindenberg, Locke, Lombard, Melvin, Meuth, Moody, Muennink, Mumme, Mummen, Nagel, Neumann, Noyes, Oefinger, Revilla, Ricketts, Rothe, Saathoff, Schaper, Schartow, Schneider, Schuehle, Schumann, Schwausch, Schweers, Seefisch, Sick, Sils, Singenstreu, Smith, Stiegler, Sumner, Tampke, Thompson, Uhr, Voges, Von Roeder, Vordenbaum, Wiemers, Willmann, Zinsmeyer, (name list) and many more.
Everybody will be entered who has any long term relationship (children, parents, spouses, adoptions, life-partners) to any other member of our family.
This means that with every marriage another bunch of new family members will join this family tree.There are 21619 persons registered with an own page.
Currently we can track our ancestors back to the 11th century and they are living all over the world.

To maintain this server and the fees for the databases for my researches costs a lot of money every year. I will try to keep this website free of advertisements and I really would appreciate, when you support my work here with some few dollars.
Thank you very much.
(10,00 Euro)
(10.00 US-Dollar)
(Jeder Betrag hilft bei der weiteren Forschung)
(Any amount would help further researches)
The receiver is my company, which is running this server: "quality-Datenbank Klaus Gebhardt e.K."
Today the oldest entry is from $about 1130 while the youngest entry is from 14.08.2015 06:10:58 .
Our oldest family member is Jane Custodia (118.1 years) while our youngest family member is Eden Ebel born 2017-05-07

The following links are interesting for researchers and interested relatives:If you like to help, write me.

Klaus Gebhardt

Overview about the recent and coming important days



1918-02-07 Gustav Karl Gehl
1924-02-07 Richard Edward Rudeloff
1912-02-08 Melinda Reinhard
             Happy Birthday!
2000-02-09 Yuljan Völtz
1922-02-09 George Taylor Shoop
1908-02-10 Iola Koepsel
1918-02-10 Alva Rowe
1936-02-11 Werner Singenstreu
1947-02-11 Heinz Willi Singenstreu
1927-02-11 William Jennings Bryan Jr. Louis Irwin
1959-02-12 Editha Reitmeier
1926-02-12 Carolyn Jean Locke
1938-02-13 Melvin Herbert Schumann
1970-02-14 Timothy Singenstreu
1953-02-14 Andrea Schaper
1917-02-15 Annemarie Müller-Kölbe
1981-02-16 Sophie Pauline Gebhardt
1780-02-08 Herman (Harm) Peter Schaper
1998-02-08 Norma Julia Kime
1892-02-08 Harriet Brown West
1683-02-08 Cicely Penny
1830-02-09 Johann Baptist Schumann
1873-02-09 Johanne Henriette Christine Riemann
1867-02-10 Maria Elisabeth Lohse
1981-02-10 Emil Fredrich Muennink
1874-02-10 Rebecca Melvin
1776-02-10 Caleb Barnum
1801-02-10 Friedr. Christiane Seefisch
1561-02-10 Alice Aldus
1920-02-10 Joachim Löwe



Here you can find an overview about
all names.

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