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My Roots - Meine Wurzeln

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Here we will build up the ancestor trees of the families
Atkinson, Balzen, Barry, Bischof, Blumberg, Bohmfalk, Bonham, Breiten, Britsch, Coffin, Currier, Elley, Elliot, Enderle, Ernst, Faseler, Finger, Fischer, Fohn, Gebhardt, Gerdes, Halsey, Harborth, Hines, Hubbard, Imgarten, Irwin, King, Kinsey, Klein, Knodel, Koch, Koepsel, Lindenberg, Locke, Lombard, Melvin, Meuth, Moody, Muennink, Mumme, Mummen, Nagel, Neumann, Noyes, Oefinger, Revilla, Ricketts, Rothe, Saathoff, Schaper, Schartow, Schneider, Schuehle, Schumann, Schwausch, Schweers, Seefisch, Sick, Sils, Singenstreu, Smith, Stiegler, Sumner, Tampke, Thompson, Uhr, Voges, Von Roeder, Vordenbaum, Wiemers, Willmann, Zinsmeyer, (name list) and many more.
Everybody will be entered who has any long term relationship (children, parents, spouses, adoptions, life-partners) to any other member of our family.
This means that with every marriage another bunch of new family members will join this family tree.There are 21619 persons registered with an own page.
Currently we can track our ancestors back to the 11th century and they are living all over the world.

To maintain this server and the fees for the databases for my researches costs a lot of money every year. I will try to keep this website free of advertisements and I really would appreciate, when you support my work here with some few dollars.
Thank you very much.
(10,00 Euro)
(10.00 US-Dollar)
(Jeder Betrag hilft bei der weiteren Forschung)
(Any amount would help further researches)
The receiver is my company, which is running this server: "quality-Datenbank Klaus Gebhardt e.K."

The following links are interesting for researchers and interested relatives:If you like to help, write me.

Klaus Gebhardt

Overview about the recent and coming important days



1923-07-25 Raymond A. Juengermann
1918-07-25 Euleta Rudisill
1913-07-26 Evelyn Schumann
             Happy Birthday!
2003-07-27 Kilian Uhlendorff
1938-07-28 Sandra Rae (Rush) Singenstreu
1919-07-29 Carlyle Herman Gus Schumann
1997-07-30 Geronimo Völtz
1944-07-30 Dietrich Dagobert Seefisch
2003-07-31 Angelina Bruss
1903-07-31 Grace Williams
1986-08-01 Kai-Uwe Singenstreu
1915-08-01 Marie Schultz
1927-08-02 Klaus Rudolph Singenstreu
1827-08-03 Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig Seefisch
1789-08-03 Johanna Sophia Krentel
1867-08-03 Johanna Gerdes
1807-08-03 Hiram Lang Atkinson
1661-08-03 Daniel Aldis
1651-08-03 Mary Filley
1794-08-03 Elisa Partridge Sumner
1880-08-03 Hermann Oppermann
1933-07-26 August Barth
1914-07-26 Joseph Sutherland Atkinson
1940-07-26 Amanda Beringer
1868-07-26 Walther Friedrich Schartow
1853-07-27 Johanne Sophia Henriette Mund
1964-07-27 Albert Rudolf Kaufman Singenstreu
1904-07-27 Roger Prichard
1797-07-27 Johann Wilhelm Seefisch
1814-07-27 Johann Peter Mumme
1846-07-28 Jacob Klein
1720-07-28 James Coffin
1864-07-28 Gottleib Miller



Here you can find an overview about
all names.

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