November 1845

Garonne, and Weser. The American Washington, as already mentioned, remained before the bar. Hercules had already entered the harbor the day before. - So now the friendly City of Galvestor lay before our view and seemed to invite us with friendliness and call to us--Come here into my friendly midst and rest yourselves in me from your long sea voyage. Still, we could not comply with the friendly invitation, for our ship still lay some distance from land and therefore no one could reach the same other than by means of a boat. My wife, who for eight days was sickly, suffered from constipation and had used remedies for it, has grown weak as a result, so that the doctor wanted her to have a strengthening medicine from the ship’s dispensary. But the Captain did not want to deliver any more, on the grounds that we already found ourselves on land from where it could be gotten. Thereupon, I immediately sought the doctor to write me a prescription with the purpose: to have me set on land the following day to take care of the prescribed remedy for my wife from the apothecary in Galveston. During the night, however, a great storm came up from the north and the sea raged in very high waves, rocked the ship forcefully back and forth and made the journey to land in a small boat, even though not dangerous, still very frightful and dreadful. The hope for my wife's early recovery through the use of the prescribed remedy and the longing to be on land once again, carried the victory over all fright and danger. In spite of the very high waves, I let myself be set on land by the second mate and a few sailors, for which however, I had to pay dearly, in that while landing I was inundated over and over by the waves and became soaked to the skin. At the moment it touched land and stopped, the boat was filled with water by the billowing waves and soaked everything in it. With the help of the sailors, I fled to the bridge to which we fastened the boat.

Later in the day the storm became even stronger and I could not, after I had obtained the medicine for my wife, return tn the ship because there was no boat there, anyway, which could pick me up and take me there

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